Tuesday, July 1, 2008

pre-op PT number one

Well that was fun lol. Greg is really chill but very nice. The whole place is just one big room with random stuff and tables along the wall. It was really relaxed. I did a couple of the exercises I knew about, and a few new. Including being hooked up to this electric machine that zapped electricity into my left quad to stimulate it. I was really nervous before he turned it on, but it just felt like tingles. I need to ice for 15 minutes then rest for 2 hours. I have to create this "warm--cold--warm--cold" sort of thing, acting like a pump to get the fluid out of my knee. UGH.

I was there until 4:15, but they're usually 45 minute appointments. And I have another tomorrow morning, and then 2 next week, and 1 the next, and then 2 more after the 18th unless surgery can happen. I've got exercises to do at home twice a day to get my leg in shape. Rikku going to get used to being alone for 2 hours around 3pm or 10am.

Laura's bday is tomorrow--good thing my apt is at 10:15am tomorrow. Maybe we'll get to hang out or go somewhere to eat. I'M STARVING right now actually. With the puppy, I really don't eat as much :/ Bad Lisa.
But that's that. It was nothing special, nothing crazy, but it'll be good to be forced to do the exercises because I haven't been keeping up with them. Time to exercise during movies.
Okay, onward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to know PT went well. You GO GIRL with exercise, the cold and the warmth.
Hey, it's all coming together.

Love you.