Friday, September 26, 2008

jumping on a trampoline

That could serve as a metaphor for the ups and downs of life. Or, it could be what I did in PT yesterday. Well, not a FULL trampoline, just a small square rebounder. And I bounced up and down on it. And I pushed myself off the Total Gym and landed on my left foot (you lay down on a sliding mat and it uses your own weight as workout). So yeah. Greg thinks maybe another 4 weeks and I might be done. We might try running next time :) :) I'm excited. But of course, it will still be not FULL running. Running speed, but I feel like I won't be landing right.

I haven't been writing here because nothing has been happening leg-related really. I mean... I could write about my life, but I'd get too caught up in it and I'd rather not. I did, however, receive The Complete Calvin and Hobbes from my parents for my 21st birthday (Oct. 5th). And I LOVE IT! I'm so excited about reading them, once I get some free time away from school reading lol. They're so pretty and BIG and they have ALLLLL the C+H comics. All of them. Yum.
Still haven't finished reading the Watchmen, which Chris borrowed in the middle of my reading it, and it's somewhere in his laptop back. Realllly good graphic novel, a collection of the 12 comics that were put out a while ago. Supposedly the greatest graphic novel of all time. Eh.

School time.


Anonymous said...

Wow! A TRAMPOLINE! You really are progressing! And landing on the bum leg -- scary stuff, but if Greg says you're ready, and he's spotting you, then Hooray! Keep up the exercising!

If he's releasing you in 4 weeks, that's only 3 months from your surgery. I imagine though that you won't be 100% in 4 weeks since Greg originally was saying you'd be at 89% in 6 months, but maybe you've progressed faster than he originally thought? That's great!

Love, Mom

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that this ordeal is finally coming to an end! :D I have to say, I've really gotten into reading Watchmen as well (reading it on the computer) and I'm probably going to ask for the Watchmen and V for Vendetta graphic novels for my birthday because I think I'll have a better reading experience with something tangible. For some reason I just can't get into reading the backstory at the end of each chapter, but I'll probably power through it :-)

Glad to hear all is well otherwise and congrats on the new job!


Unknown said...

PS - Hi Mrs Laurene! :D

Lisa said...

Mommy: it's a small thing that i wasn't actually JUMPING on, but just bouncing. so no landing really lol. but it's going :)
it's more that i'll be able to do the exercises at home and just workout and i won't need supervision/to pay anymore.

Robert: HEY! Lol. Yeah, I got The Killing Joke too--I would LOVE V for Vendetta too, to see how that was, that movie was soooo awesome. I'm okay with some of the backstories, but sometimes I just want to keep reading, I don't want to stop and learn about stuff. I love Jon's story (intense) and I really like Rorschach lol!